The Way We Practice Discipleship School
$75 registration fee for 16 weeks, program begins September 15
The earliest students of Jesus called their movement, The Way. It’s a name that calls to mind both a journey and a destination. The journey is a lifetime of following Jesus as his apprentices. The destination is Christlikeness—learning to live our lives in the way Jesus would if he were us. It’s a big goal, but the journey to get there is an adventure of growth like no other.
So, how do we practice this Way? It’s a question Jesus addressed with his first disciples and his apprentices through the ages have sought to answer it anew in each era. The Way We Practice is a course we are piloting at Christ Church that seeks to discover again the path of discipleship. Over two intensive, 8-week semesters, The Way We Practice Discipleship School will explore the basics of Jesus’ teachings and how to live in imitation of Christ. We’ll look at the nature of God’s reign, the psychology of transformation, the historic spiritual practices of the Christian way, the movements of spiritual formation (Franciscan, Ignatian, Benedictine, Desert, etc.), and the lives of the saints. By the end of the course, students will have developed a robust daily practice of discipleship and a rule of life to guide them into the future.
While the call of discipleship is for everyone, this course is not. Each week will require significant reading of a few hours a week, similar to an EfM course. In addition, participants will be asked to keep a spiritual journal and commit to spending daily time in prayer, scripture reading, and other exercises as assigned. Given that this is the first offering of the course, participants will also be asked to offer feedback along the way for future improvements.
The school will meet from 4:00 to 5:30 on Sunday evenings, beginning September 15. The first half of the course will take place over 8-weeks in the fall with the second half of the course will be held over 8-weeks in the spring. Like any act of personal growth and transformation, from learning an instrument to taking up a new sport, work will be required, but the resulting transformation will be well worth the effort.
To help us gage progress and determine if this course is for you, an initial questionnaire is required as well as a $75 course fee that will cover the course materials. Scholarships are available and we do not want cost to be a barrier for anyone. The course is limited to 12 people and 10 are required for the course to make.
(After the first 12 applications, all others will be placed on a waiting list.)