“Nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth.”
Truth isn’t an object we possess. Instead, we seek after it faithfully, untangling ideas in a shared pursuit. We are not always of one mind, but we worship at a common altar. We uncover truths in prayer, in nature, and in moments of mystery. We also experience the true as we bump into other people, within the walls of Christ Church or in the city beyond our open red doors.
We believe that formation in the Christian faith is a key part of the search for truth. Everyone has a unique perspective on the mystery of God, so our Christian education offerings honor the unique witness that people of all ages bring. We have a variety of formation opportunities for specific age groups: children, youth, and adults. Here is a sampling of our offerings.
Children’s formation
Children’s formation begins in Parke Hall with a story and songs at 9:15 a.m. Sunday morning before dividing into age specific activities. Also, during the Liturgy of the Word on during our 10:30 service children are invited to attend children’s chapel with more age appropriate readings and lessons. To learn more contact Marvin McLennon.
Sunday Forum Class - 9:15 a.m.
Join in regular book studies, topical discussions, and presentations in the Parlor. This class is led by Christ Church clergy and guests.
Scriptures in life and art - 9:15 a.m.
This class, led by J.B. Cross, examines how Episcopalians talk about life and God and how God speaks to us through the lens of each Sunday’s lectionary texts. Our resident art historian Floyd Martin offers an exploration of images related to the texts. This class meets in the Bishop’s Room.
Episcopal Kids Community (EKC)
Episcopal Kids Community is a youth program for all current 4th - 6th graders. EKC provides our younger youth the space to figure out their faith in a safe, welcoming setting. Kids will be able to grow in community with one another, all while having fun! To join, contact Marvin McLennon, Director of Children and Youth Ministries.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
Episcopal Youth Community is a program dedicated to all 6th - 12th graders. EYC and youth ministry engagement is a wonderful way to spread Christ’s love throughout your community as well as sharing God’s love with one another. EYC provides youth with a safe place to be who they are, find out who they are, as well as help them find their place in the Episcopal church and the wider world. Our meetings will consist of games, team-building activities, lessons learned through the stories scripture, and participation in service projects. EYC teaches youth how to be disciples who will go out and make disciples along with fostering deep friendships and relationships that can’t be achieved through other extra curricular activities. To join, contact Marvin McLennon, Director of Children and Youth Ministries.