“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
In Christian tradition goodness is never just a private possession or a personal virtue. The good is something always shared, worked for with others, sought out in community. Neighbors and neighborhood are essential to our life. At Christ Church, we’re actively asking what it means to be an urban church, responsive to and welcoming of the particular gifts and needs, the character and the characters of downtown Little Rock.
Green Groceries
At Christ Church, we believe that everyone should have access to fresh, local produce. So we created the Green Groceries Program, a food pantry without the cans. Members pick up free, local produce supplied by the Arkansas Local Food Network to help feed their families. In addition to helping 40 households in need, this program also supports local farmers and helps to build the local food economy.
The Parish house and the Sixth Street Library
The Parish House is open to the community — we host everything from community groups, to basketball, to AA meetings. The Sixth Street Library in the Parish House is part gallery, part gathering space, part bookstore, part collaborative space. The exhibits and a few carefully curated bookshelves focus on ideas of urban ecology, public space, art and architecture, and transportation. We believe re-imagining a neighborhood can be a sacred offering for the common good.
Go forth into the world to love and serve
As we leave church each week, we’re charged by a deacon to go and serve. Christ Church partners with local and worldwide agencies, such as Stewpot and St. Francis House, Our House, Episcopal Relief and Development, and others, to feed those who are hungry and house those who are homeless, and to help heal addictions. We’re striving to make a difference.