“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”
Listen to the Sunday Evening Compline Service
THE Christ Church CHOIR
The Christ Church Choir helps lead worship at the 10:30 a.m. service each Sunday and at other significant worship services. Members have a variety of musical backgrounds: some are new to church choirs and some have have sung in church choirs all of their life. And while a majority of choir members are volunteers, we have a team of professional staff singers to help each section. Membership is open to all people with an interest in vocal music. The choir rehearses each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. and each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. To join, contact Steven Bullock, Organist and Choirmaster.
Every Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. a small, auditioned choir sings the office of Compline. This contemplative 30 minute service of chants and motets attracts 20 somethings and 70 somethings, musicians and listeners, all kinds of people who seek to begin each week with a prayerful end to Sunday. To audition, contact Steven Bullock, Organist and Choirmaster.
ADULT Handbell Choir
The Adult Handbell Choir includes folks from a wide range of musical backgrounds, from people who have never made music before to people with degrees in music. They ring occasionally at the Sunday 10:30 a.m. service and on other special occasions. Membership in this choir is open to anyone, with rehearsal each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. To join, contact Steven Bullock, Organist and Choirmaster.
THE Arts AT Christ church
Thomas Aquinas said that since God is the “supreme beauty”. Like many Christians since, we at Christ Church believe that artists, whether painters or singers, sculptors or poets, show us something of God when they show us the world’s truth and beauty. So the concerts you hear, such as Chanticleer, Anonymous 4, folk artists, local bands, and Mavis Staples, or the paintings you enjoy in our rotating display of artwork by local artists, or authors you encounter here during the Six Bridges Book Festival are part of our ministry, even when the art isn’t overtly Christian in its theme or subject matter. We believe that all beauty is of God and helps us to flourish, which is why we host and support the arts in our community.