Holy Persistence

Luke seems to have something to say about persistence. He wants us to understand that persistence, as obnoxious as it can be, has an important place in the Kingdom of God. Jesus offers today’s parable as an illustration for his disciples about their need to pray always. If this stubborn, cold, unjust judge will eventually give in to a persistent widow, imagine how our loving and gracious God will enter into the lives of those who cry out in prayer day and night.

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Hannah Hooker
An Unexpected (and Surprisingly Upbeat) Prophecy for an Anxious Time - Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7

An updated letter from Jeremiah to Christ Church might go something like this: “Take care of your church buildings with a master plan and worship God in them; plant a garden on the corner of 6th and Scott and eat what it produces; build your congregation and care for one another for years to come; and, seek the welfare of downtown Little Rock and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for it is in the city’s welfare that you will find your own.”

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Kate Alexander
Faith Like a Hobbit - Luke 17:5-10

To have faith like a hobbit, to have faith like a mustard seed, is to live not through the strength of our own powers, but instead to join in the energies of love. It is an obedient faith, doing what love demands in the time in which we find ourselves.

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Ragan Sutterfield
The Rich Man, Lazarus, and Spectacles: A Parable of Faith - Luke 16:19-31

Sometimes God can do things in a big, dramatic way. But most of the time, in most of our lives, the word of God comes to us not in grand spectacles but in holy, ordinary ways. Our hearts get moved. We see that our neighbor is suffering and do something to help. We hear the word of God coming through to us in the pages of scripture. We feel God’s presence on an ordinary Sunday in September.

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Kate Alexander
The Manager's Choice - Luke 16:1-13

This morning, Jesus tells a parable about one of these land managers. We don’t know for certain if the manager has embezzled funds, but we know he’s been accused of it, and that was enough for his boss to fire him. But he still has to present the books to the landowner. He is at the very edge of the cycle of financial oppression, and in that moment I think the manager recognizes that a crucial choice lies before him. He can go back to the grind, find another position within the system and continue to serve the wealthy, or he can choose an altogether different way of life.

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Hannah Hooker
Sermon for Fall Kick-Off - Luke 15:1-10

For the record, it’s hard to scan a hillside of 99 sheep and realize one is missing. Kudos to the keen-eyed shepherd. What about our flock? I look out at the congregation each week and think about those who have not returned. And I worry about other people who are lost, unknown to us, who have not yet heard the good news of God’s grace for them. The parable of the guy who lost his sheep asks us pretty directly, what are we going to do to go find them? How will we search out the lost?

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Kate Alexander
Clay - Jeremiah 18:1-11, Psalm 139, Philemon, Luke 14:25-33

God is at the wheel, gathering all those beloved lumps of clay that have been twisted and turned by a world bent toward selfishness. Like the new life God knit in the depths of the earth, God is again forming vessels of grace and wonder, ready to fill them with love to pour out into the world. Our work is to step away from all those hands that would form us otherwise, promising security, power, and affection that are not theirs to give.

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Ragan Sutterfield
Read All of the Instructions First - Luke 14:1, 7-14

In one short parable Jesus has laid out the view from the very end, and the mechanics of salvation. These are among the greatest gifts in the Christian message. They invite us to live our lives free from the fear of not measuring up. They invite us to live our lives already trusting in our goodness and our salvation.

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Jason Alexander
Formed Before We Were Born - Jeremiah 1:4-10, Psalm 71:1-6

Just as newborn children are loved immediately and do not have to earn or grow into their place in a family, we come into the world already whom God intends and needs us to be. We need no other preparation to begin our work as Christ’s hands and feet because, as God tells Jeremiah, “you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you.”

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Hannah Hooker
God's Going to Keep Us - Hosea 11:1-11; Luke 12:13-21

It’s the 8th century BCE, the nation of Israel has divided into two kingdoms, Exile is on the horizon, and the people continue to behave badly. They show a lack of faith in God, and they consistently reject the lifestyle God invites them into. God laments this state of affairs deeply. But nothing can change God’s passionate love for Israel. Through Hosea, God proclaims, I’m going to keep you.

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Hannah Hooker
The Prayer That Contains All Prayer Luke 11:1-13

All relationships, if they are to thrive, find their way to a pattern of regular conversation. It is no different with God. Prayer, the communication that crosses the divide of human and divine life was for Jesus a conversation of ongoing relationship. And we see this in how Luke describes him. Jesus is regularly engaged in specific times and practices of prayer. But now, almost halfway through Luke’s Gospel, Jesus’ students have noticed and they want some specifics. What he gives in reply is a form of prayer that, though simple, contains all the elements necessary for a life of ongoing conversation with God.

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Ragan Sutterfield
Hearing Not Helping - Luke 10:38-42

Jesus never enters a home unless invited. He never heals unless asked. When he encounters a blind man calling out on a roadside, he doesn’t immediately heal his vision. Instead, he says, “what do you want me to do for you?” In that question he acknowledges the autonomy and personhood of the one in front of him. If we want to follow Mary in following Jesus, if we want to offer our help to those we encounter in need, then we must learn to hear and listen. We have to take the time to be develop relationships with particular people who have names and stories and gifts to offer.

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Ragan Sutterfield
Chosen For Purpose - Amos 7:7-17; Luke 10:25-37

Amos will not back down. He is determined to reiterate that the people are chosen not for privilege but for purpose. But because they continue to rest in their privilege and ignore the needs of others in their community, a reckoning is on its way. Salvation, Amos practically screams, is not a result of privilege. It is not even a side effect or accessory. Being chosen is not an easy or comfortable journey.

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Hannah Hooker
Not Just a Healing Story - Luke 8:26-39 (Mark 5:1-20)

preaching is like being on the cooking show “Chopped." You look at your ingredient basket and have to figure out what to make. Here’s what’s in the basket this week: an epic heat wave, more gun violence and this time at an Episcopal Church, Juneteenth, the January 6 hearings, a pandemic that just keeps going, Father’s Day, and of course, the main ingredient this morning, the Gerasene demoniac. And the clock starts now.

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Kate Alexander
Icons of the Imagination - Trinity Sunday

The Trinity may seem a strange concept, and it is. It may seem mysterious and hard to grasp, that’s for certain. But in the Trinity we can see the beauty of a God who desires our place at the table and is willing to enter even our suffering to bring us there.

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Ragan Sutterfield
Sermon for the Day of Pentecost

Let’s dream about a world in which gun violence is eliminated and loneliness is overcome. Let’s dream about a world in which poverty is eradicated and all kinds of shackles broken. Let’s dream about a world in which racism is dismantled and our ecosystems are restored to their Garen of Eden glory. Let’s dream about a world in which people hear in their own language the good news that they are included in God’s saving grace. Or, in the words of the prophet Joel, that all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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Kate Alexander
On Freedom - Acts 16:16-34

It is interesting that no one mentions everlasting life in this story. The jailer does not ask for bodily healing. No one has died and must be resurrected. When the jailer asks, what must I do to be saved?, I think perhaps he means saved from the emotional and spiritual agony he is experiencing; saved from the weight of the world on his shoulders. The jailer can see that while he may be free from incarceration, it is Paul and Silas who are truly free.

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Hannah Hooker