When Faith Starts Sinking - Matthew 14:22-33

The first part of the passage tells us that the disciples were out on the water in a storm not by chance, but because Jesus had instructed them to do so. At first, this might be a little disconcerting. Why would Jesus send the disciples out onto the water if he knew or even suspected a storm might come? But when we take a step back, we can see this story is actually part of a larger pattern that spans all of holy scripture. 

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Hannah Hooker
When Prayer Fails and Hope is Kindled - Romans 8:26-39

It is in my inability to speak, the weakness of my words, the seeming failure of my prayers, that the Spirit moves into my heart, hearing its hope and grief, and offering my deepest self to God.  The Spirit shares in the loss of words, speaking only in sighs, and yet the Spirit’s groaning on our behalf is understood by God. When we no longer know what to say, the gate to our deepest prayers is opened. 

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Ragan Sutterfield
Jacob the Rascal - Genesis 25:19-34

I hope we can cut our rascal Jacob a little slack as he goes about God’s scandalous work in the world, while also having some compassion for Esau as well. We embody both of their legacies. Sometimes we are the lowly with whom God walks and sometimes we take our privilege for granted and learn a brutal lesson about quick fixes and the promise of God. 

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Hannah Hooker
Only Fools Run at Midnight - Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67

One of the attributes of God throughout the scriptures is that God is faithful. God chose a covenant as a means to express that divine fidelity to us. This arrangement also tells us that God’s purposes can be accomplished through our lives, no matter how imperfect the details. I think this is why Genesis zooms in on the lives of Isaac and Rebekah and so many others. If they can be the carriers of the covenant, so can we.

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Kate Alexander
Funeral Homily for Trudie Watkins Cromwell - John 14:1-7

We take comfort today in Jesus’ words, that Trudie knew the way to heaven, and that she is in a dwelling place built just for her. Her joy is complete. Whatever unfinished coding projects she had are now done. I imagine Trudie has already found the library in heaven and is working on a paper to present to the other angels about the glitches in our human operating system. Like her friends and family in this life, the angels will be blessed to know her.

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Kate Alexander
Absurd Love Story - Genesis 22:1-14

Reading the story of the binding of Isaac in our age, might strike us as an encounter with a primitive god, a dark picture that bears no likeness to the enlightened faith we’d like to claim.  And yet I think we need this story now more than ever.  Ours is a world that desires to control more and more, to solve every problem, to heal every wound.  And while that might seem good on the surface, it makes it impossible for us to live into the fact of our limits, our vulnerability, the absurd pieces of our life that could never fit in some neat rational system.  Faith, hope, and love are not achievable by algorithm or formula, or knowable beyond the risk of faith. 

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Ragan Sutterfield
Faith When Things Go Wrong - Genesis 21:8-21

When God doesn’t fix things, how do we give thanks then? What does our faith have to offer when things go wrong? You can’t find a better story in the Bible to shed light on those questions than the one about Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. The Book of Genesis is filled with faithful people doing good and faithful things. But there are plenty of painful events, too, ones in which God doesn’t provide a rescue or a happy ending. Those stories provide a different kind of witness, one that is honest and useful when things go terribly wrong.

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Kate Alexander
The Hospitality of Oaks - Genesis 18:1-15

Hospitality is one of those words that is often overused and underdefined. It would be easy to think of this critical act only in terms of dinner parties and festive receptions, of attentive hosts and lavish welcomes. And all of those things could be a part of hospitality. In its roots, however, we find a more dangerous reality. The word hospitality means, most literally, welcoming the stranger, and the stranger in the ancient world was as often as not an enemy. The word host, in fact, comes from the Latin hostis which means enemy as well as stranger. To the ancient understanding an encounter with some unknown person could end with a curse as much as blessing. And yet, in the vulnerable world of nomads in the arid lands through which Abraham traveled, reliance on strangers was as necessary as it was perilous. Good hospitality, then, was a way of welcoming a stranger so that instead of ending up enemies, both parties left as friends.

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Ragan Sutterfield
On Abram and Altars - Genesis 12:1-9

Abram teaches us that altars are places where we give to God and God gives to us, and this is reiterated over and over again in scripture. Altars come in all shapes and sizes. They are tables like any other, but what we do there sets them apart. During the early days of the pandemic, when we couldn’t worship all together, many of you made altars in your homes. Some of you lit candles there or kept your rosary on it. Some of you set up altars near your televisions or screens so that you could watch virtual services and participate from your own space.

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Hannah Hooker
How to Live Forever - John 17:1-11

To have life without end, for Jesus, is not something we can achieve by possessing the right set of facts, even the right set of beliefs, like some final exam of life.  Instead, Jesus is inviting us into the knowledge that is a participation in God’s own self—the relationship of the Father and the Son and the Spirit in which we can become members in a life of love that been in existence from before time.  To enter this knowledge, we are called to be students of Jesus, disciples who learn to enter his way of being.

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Ragan Sutterfield
On Ascension and Mary Poppins

I’ve seen on social media that several Episcopal churches are celebrating the feast of the Ascension by flying kites. Clearly I’m not alone in finding a beautiful symmetry between this feast day and the story of Mary Poppins. They are both stories for all ages and all spiritual journeys. They remind us of our need to step out of our comfort zone as people of faith, and they remind us of our need to sink back into that comfort and joy when our work is done. 

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Hannah Hooker
The Objects of our Worship - Acts 17:22-31

The messages of Jesus and Paul start to merge.  Paul tells us that God is as close to us as the lives we lead. We live and move in God, he says. Don’t look for exterior objects to give us meaning. Moth and rust consume. And to boil down what Jesus tells us, it is in effect that when we love, we see God. God is not found in human constructs, as in which political party we support or our desire for personal ease or advancement at the expense of others. Our chosen messiahs will disappoint.  

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Larry Benfield
Gate Sunday? - John 10:1-10

The Good Shepherd discourse is divided into three sections, and we rotate through them on our three-year lectionary cycle. In this year’s section of the story, we don’t get to the part where Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd.” As you may have noticed, we only got as far as Jesus saying, “I am the gate for the sheep.” Of course, “Gate Sunday” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, and I don’t think a gate would be as cute stuck on a onesie, so I can understand why we stick to the Good Shepherd theme. 

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Hannah Hooker
Sermon for Easter Day - Matthew 28:1-10

Easter is God’s sermon that nothing can separate us from God, not any of our sins and not even death. The empty tomb on Easter morning is a sign of a cosmic, universe-altering event. But God’s spiritual food has also been placed where we can reach it. Easter is personal to each of us, a joyful promise that we are forever beloved by a God who refuses to let anything separate us ever again.

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Kate Alexander
From the Attic of our Faith - A Sermon for the Great Vigil of Easter

Our dear friend Ragan once described the older liturgies in our tradition as coming from the attic of our faith. I love this image. I think about it every year at the Vigil. It’s as if once a year, we climb up to the attic, dust off the cobwebs, and bring down the box of our oldest and most cherished memories of the faith and sift through them together. 

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Hannah Hooker
This Night - A Sermon for Maundy Thursday

It was on this night, in a celebration of Passover, that having loved his own Jesus loved them to the end.  He showed this love by breaking bread and pouring wine, signs of the death that would be his ultimate offering.  It was on this night that Jesus humbled himself and washed the feet of his disciples, even the feet of his betrayer.  This humble washing was a living parable, an example of the love that was to mark out his disciples in the world. 

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Ragan Sutterfield